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One of the bigger differences in Recrafted over CraftOS is its native support for cooperative multithreading. The provided threading implementation is heavily integrated into the Multishell implementation.
The API is referred to here as
Spawns a new thread and launches it in a new tab. Returns the new tab ID and the thread ID.
Sets which tab is the focused tab. Tab IDs are sequential and subject to fluctutation.
Returns the ID of the currently focused tab.
Returns the ID of the tab the current thread is running in.
Loads a file and spawns a thread using the resulting function. The
Spawns a thread using the given function. Returns its ID.
Returns whether the thread with the given ID exists.
Returns the ID of the current thread.
Returns the current working directory.
Sets the current working directory, if the given
Returns the environment variables of the current thread.
Returns the current terminal redirect object.
Sets the current tab's terminal redirect object.
Returns a table of information about every running thread.
Removes the given thread. Use with caution.